Small tasks
If you're interested in helping Oakham in Bloom with any of these tasks, please send us a quick email to let us know you're on board.

Removing litter
Remove litter, cigarette butts, and other debris from our planters, and beds

Weeding and dead heading
Weed and dead head any of the plants which need it in particular the peacock's tail

Tidying tubs
Help to tidy the tubs where plants grow a little too big

Water any bed or planter that Oakham in Bloom look after. See Our Work page for details on our beds and planters

Edging grass
Edge the grass around the library beds and Queen's statue

Seasonal tidies
Cut back the untidy plants each season

Support us online
Show your support for Oakham in Bloom by following our Facebook Group, or sign up to our newsletter

Report issues
If you spot anything a miss with an Oakham in Bloom project, reach out to us via our Facebook page, or using the Contact Form

Paint and Repair
Our boat bed, and bicycle beds need a fresh coat of paint every now and then
How you can get involved
Every contribution, whether small or large, makes a difference to Oakham in Bloom. We deeply appreciate the efforts of our volunteers. Whether you have just a little time or more to spare, there are many ways to get involved. Discover how you can help and make a lasting impact on our community.